List of documents required for closing
Deed - escritura
No Lien Certificate - CLG Certificado Libre de Gravamen
Know Your Customer (KYC) form for the escrow agency
KYC Bank
KYC Notario
KYC escrow agency
Photocopies of buyer and seller ID's; Passport and residency cards if they have them
Proof of Address, this can be a CFE or SEAPAL bill
RFC # (This is a federal tax number, not everyone has one)
CURP # (This is a federal residency number, not everyone has one)
Marriage Certificate if the buyer or seller are buying or selling together
Power of Attorney (if needed)
Bank Documents - account, branch, etc
Request of Trust - fidecomiso
Designation of Beneficiaries for the fidecomiso
Yearly Property Tax - predial
HOA no dues are owed letter
Services receipts paid - internet, electrical, water
Promise Agreement - the accepted and signed offer
Extensions or Adendums - if applicable
Listing Agreement